Saturday, August 16, 2014

High Born Is For Sale!

High Born by Natalia Leigh

My book is finally for sale! It can be purchased on Amazon at the link above.

I can't believe I have come this far. I recall so clearly the frustration and helplessness I would feel each time I gave up on a new novel idea. I would think, "I can't even stick with a book for more than a few chapters. How am I ever going to be an author?" I have two answers to that question now. The first is perseverance. You have to write on days when you feel like standing on your head all day would be a better use of your time. And you have to write even when it's bad, because believe me, a lot of it will be. But writing is a craft, and you get better every time you put a word down. The second answer is that you have to find the right story. I tried with many different stories, but High Born was the first that carried me all the way here. Yes, the plot has undergone many large scale changes, but here it is. Done and up for sale.

I'd like to ay that this is an amazing, stupendous, I'll-never-forget-this-day kind of day, and it is, but it's also a quiet, normal day as well. My book is published. It is finished. It can be purchased and held and actually read by others, and that is absolutely phenomenal. But an author's work is never done. I'm working on another book now, titled Fire Tongue, that I plan to have out early next year. The work never ends, but that's kind of the joy of it <3

I do hope you will read High Born, or at least add it to your to-be-read shelf. Thanks everyone.


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