Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Spooky Day!

 Happy Spooky Day! 

I am excited about today for a few reasons.

  1. It’s Friday, and who doesn’t love Fridays? 
  2.  It’s Halloween! I’m having a little party tonight to celebrate, and it is sure to be a blast!
  3. Tomorrow is November 1st...TOMORROW IS NANOWRIMO.

It just recently hit me that tomorrow is actually day one of NaNo. It’s like I’ve been building up to this moment since September, and now it is only a matter of hours away. (I wonder if this is what it feels like the day before you get married…) 

I’ll be working on Fire Tongue, and I will hopefully finish it by the end of this month. It’s hard to know how many more words and chapters it will take before the novel is complete, but I’m really hoping that 50,000 more words will bring me pretty close to the end. 

I’ve been working on Fire Tongue since April, and my plan is to finish the first draft this November, then edit and rewrite through the early months of next year. I hope to see it in publication by Summer 2015!

I’m going to try really hard to keep up a vlog of my NaNo progress. And if I’m not able to vlog a whole lot, then I’ll just try to keep my blog here updated. 

Well, see you tomorrow, NaNo Land!

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